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    Asthma is a common and serious health concern that can lead to increased school absences. We want to help your child control his or her asthma. Our goal is to help your child have the same opportunities as other children to learn, grow and be physically active.

    To achieve this goal, we need your help. Please review the list of actions we need your help with so we can help your child.

    • Arrange for your child to be seen by his or her health care provider for an asthma assessment.
    • Ask the health care provider to complete the Medication Authorization and Asthma Care Plan. Click the links below for the forms:
    • Parents also should complete the Asthma Intake form. Please click the link below for the form.
    • Have an adult bring a non-expired rescue inhaler, in its original prescription box, to the Health Office.
    • Limit your child's exposure to irritants that trigger his or her asthma.
    • Ensure your child is using their inhaler properly. Waiting a minute between puffs helps the medication work better.

    How to use an inhaler without a spacer

    Wait a full minute between puffs to help make the medication more effective.

    How to use an inhaler with a spacer

    Wait a full minute between puffs to help make the medication more effective.


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