Whenever possible, medication should be scheduled during non-school hours.
If your child will need to take any medication during the school day, either prescription or over the counter, we will be happy to assist them so they can remain healthy and in school. In order for your child to take medication while at school we need you to provide:

- A written authorization signed by a parent and the child's care provider. A new medication form must be completed and turned in each year. Please click the following link for the form(s):
- Medication Authorization - English
- Medication Authorization - Spanish
- Other forms that may be required, depending on your child's condition, include:
- Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
- Asthma Care Plan
- Asthma Intake - English (for parent to complete)
- Asthma Intake - Spanish (for parent to complete)
- Confidential Release of Information
- Diabetes Medical Management
- Diabetes Physician Authorization
- Seizure Action Plan
- Special Meals
- An adult needs to bring the medication in the original container to the Health Office. If the medication is a prescription it must have the prescribing information on the container. Pharmacies with provide an extra labeled container for school if you ask for one.
- Students are not allowed to have medications with them at school unless they have permission from their medical provider and it is noted on the medication administration form. Some students may be allowed to carry Epi-Pens, Inhalers, and Injectable medications, if the prescribing MD, PA, NP fills out the medication form and checks the box that states student is allowed to carry the medication. The completed form and medication must initially be delivered to the school office by the parent/guardian. The School Nurse will also assess the student’s ability to self-administer the prescribed medication.