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Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid. Bacteria, viruses, or allergies and the treatment varies for each. It can be caused by one of several bacteria, e.g. homophiles, pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci and others. There is also a viral conjunctivitis called epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis.
Time of contact until the development of signs and symptoms is usually 24 to 72 hours (bacterial).
Contact with discharges from infected persons through contaminated fingers, clothing, towels, shared eye make-up applicators, and multiple-dose eye medications. This is a highly contagious disease.
Use of Universal/Standard Precautions and frequent hand washing. Avoid touching/rubbing eyes. Implement good personal hygiene. Towels, wash cloths and pillowcases should not be shared and should be laundered.
Exclude student from school until symptoms resolve or a note from healthcare provider clears the student to return to school.
3/6/25 6:22 PM