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State law requires that all students under age 18 years, TK through grade 12, be immunized against certain diseases unless they are exempt for medical reasons. At the time of registration, the school is required to have proof that your child has received all currently due immunizations.
Check with your pediatrician, family physician or medical clinic to make sure your child is fully immunized. Your child may be excluded from attending school if these requirements are not met. Click this link to see a table which explains what immunizations are due at what age - Required Immunizations - English or Required Immunizations - Spanish
As of January 1, 2016, law SB277 states personal belief exemptions are no longer allowed in the state of California. Information on obtaining a permanent medical exemption for your child is available from the school nurse. Medical exemptions require documentation from a licensed physician (MD or DO).
Click here for frequently asked questions about immunizations
All students entering, advancing or transferring into 7th grade will need proof of an adolescent whooping cough booster immunization (called "Tdap") for school in the fall. Your student will not be able to receive their class schedule without documented
proof of Tdap booster. In order to meet the 7th grade requirement, the Tdap booster
needs to be have given after they have turned 7 years old.
Pertussis is a very contagious respiratory disease that can be severe and last for months. The immunity received from early childhood immunization for Pertussis disease wears off over time, leaving older students and adults susceptible again to Pertussis. Immunization with Tdap can protect students, schools and communities against Pertussis. Click here for current 7th grade immunization requirements.
Click Here for Changes to California immunization requirements effective July 1, 2019
New Immunization Regulations - Effective July 1, 2019
The upcoming changes include, but are not limited to:
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