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California State Law (California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 432) requires that each student have a complete health examination within the eighteen months before entering first grade or 90 days after entering first grade. For medical or religious reasons, you may provide a waiver exempting your child from this physical examination.
The purpose of this examination is for the health and safety of your child. Our school district would like you to have it done as soon as possible so if any issues are identified during the exam, they can be addressed promptly and not interfere with your child’s ability to learn. It is well known that approximately 10% of first graders have unrecognized health problems, which may interfere with their effective school learning. With your timely cooperation, we have a better opportunity of identifying those children who may be in need of appropriate medical care.
As this exam may be completed within eighteen months prior to starting first grade your student may have already had this physical. If so, please contact your physician so the required documentation can be completed. If your student has not had the examination, please schedule it to be completed within the required time frame.
3/8/25 6:30 PM