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MRSA is a type of staph that is resistant to antibiotics called beta-lactams. Beta-lactam antibiotics include methicillin and other more common antibiotics such as oxacillin, penicillin, and amoxicillin. It is estimated that 1 % of the population are carriers of MRSA.
Staphylococcus aureus, often referred to simply “staph,” are bacteria commonly carried on the skin or in the nose of healthy people. Approximately 25-30% of the population may have staph present in their nose. Sometimes, staph can cause an infection. Staph bacteria are one of the most common causes of skin infections in the United States. Most of these skin infections are minor (such as pimples and boils) and can be treated without antibiotics. However, staph bacteria also can cause serious infections (such as surgical wound infections, bloodstream infections, and pneumonia).
MRSA infections that are acquired by persons who have not been recently (within the past year) hospitalized or had a medical procedure (such as dialysis, surgery, catheters) are known as CA-MRSA infections. Staph or MRSA infections in the community are usually manifested as skin infections, such as pimples and boils, and occur in otherwise healthy people.
Staph bacteria, including MRSA, can cause skin infections that may look like a pimple or boil and can be red, swollen, painful, or have pus or other drainage. More serious infections may cause pneumonia, bloodstream infections, or surgical wound infections.
Hands are the most important instrument for transmitting infection.
Factors that have been associated with the spread of MRSA skin infections include: close skin-to-skin contact, openings in the skin such as cuts or abrasions, contaminated items and surfaces, crowded living conditions, and poor hygiene. Precautions should be taken for students in athletic activities involving close contact.
As long as fluid from lesions continue to drain.
Practice good hygiene:
Students who present with open or draining wounds will be excluded from school.
Please report any confirmed cases of MRSA, or questions about MRSA to the School Nurse. Additional information is available on the CDC website at
3/8/25 5:51 PM